Jon buys a bad suit from one of these dealers in the Februstrip.The title character once (May 9, 1980) declared his intention to go into the business of "black-market kittens", complete with a trenchcoat with Nermal hanging inside.
On one occasion he used a similar approach to sell something highly secret-the main character thought it was drugs, but it turned out to be videos that were Guilty Pleasures. Clyde, the closest thing that Candorville has to a stereotypical black male, is often found selling these.Imagine how this meme would look now that it’s December. Hint: an email hasn’t found anyone well since 2019. Remember April, when we thought: “It can’t get much worst than this, right?” LOL! 18. Artoo, our new favorite Boston terrierĪrtoo 2020. Whether it was laughing at the absolute absurdity of this year or the funny text you just sent your roommate, this meme says it all. Literally, everywhere you look, there’s someone randomly dancing in front of their phone. Back to the futureĭystopian movie? Nope, just 2020. In a world of nonstop video calls, true friendship is when the call disconnects and you both decide not to call back. While 2020 brought us dark times, our favorite tech companies gave us dark mode. With 2020 being a complete and utter mess, many associated the year with the Titanic sinking, and the meme creators being the musicians keeping everyone calm as the world sinks into oblivion. Who would have ever thought we’d talk about Nevada so much? With the state being particularly slow to give out election updates, the home of Las Vegas became the butt of many jokes. And with all the people refusing to wear masks, there’s been no shortage of Karen incidents going viral this year. While Karen memes are by no means new, this year they exploded. Maybe it’s something in the air this year, but 2020 has seen a huge rise in “Karens”-someone who acts superior and insists on seeing the manager. You might be surprised how many things Michael Jordan took personally. So it should come as no surprise that the internet made a bunch of memes about the documentary. Similar to Tiger King, The Last Dance helped us get through the initial first wave in the beginning of the year. During the debate a fly landed on Pence’s head for a solid minute-so Twitter went off. The Vice President Pence Fly meme took the internet by storm after his debate with Vice President-Elect Kamala Harris. While the election was a terrible experience, we can at least look back at some of the memes and laugh. We’re just slightly ashamed that we were in Joe Exotic’s one percent of fans on Spotify. It feels like it was forever ago that our timelines were filled with Carol Baskin and Joe Exotic memes. Yeah, we can’t believe that Tiger King was released this year either. Some of the variations hit a little too close to home though.
The seemingly endless different mashups that people created had us rolling all year. No matter your political leanings, this meme was one of the most entertaining of 2020. Here’s our list of 20 memes that did the trick. As we look toward the new year, let’s give thanks for what really got us through 2020-the memes. With this year finally coming to a close, we can all breathe a collective sigh of relief.